
At Kunooz Library, we take pride in offering a wide range of services to cater to our valued members. Read below to discover the diverse array of offerings we have in store for you. Your journey to knowledge, exploration, and enrichment begins here.


At Kunooz Library, we want to be a community that supports each other on our journey of learning and growth. We believe that libraries are more than just a place for books. They are also community centers where people can come together and connect with others.

That's why we are committed to creating a tribe and sense of community at our library. We want to be a place where people can come to nurture their love for the Arabic language and cultivate their love for Islam.

When we are surrounded by people who share our values and interests, we are more likely to succeed. We hope Kunooz Library will be a place where children can learn and grow together without compromising their faith or values.

Consultation Services

We are committed to helping families find the best books for their children. That's why we offer free consultation services to all of our members. Our experienced staff can help you choose books that are appropriate for your Children’s ages, reading levels, and interests 

We believe that every child deserves to have access to high-quality books. Our consultation services are designed to help families find the best books for their children so that they can develop a love of reading that will last a lifetime. We will be happy to help you find the perfect books for your family.


Kunooz Library is proud to offer a wide selection of Arabic and English Islamic books for children. Our collection includes books from authors and publishers across the world, including the US, Canada, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and the UAE. We carry award-winning books by renowned authors.

We are committed to providing our patrons with a selection of books representing diverse characters and themes. At Kunooz, we believe that every child deserves to see themselves represented in the books that they read. Let's unlock the treasures of reading together!

Library Portal

Our library portal makes it easy and convenient to browse our collection, search for titles in both English and Arabic and check out books.

Our goal at Kunooz is to replicate the professional management system offered at public libraries. We hope that you find our library portal to be a valuable resource. To access the library portal, simply click on the “Library Portal” tab on the website.

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